Pregnancy rashes

Pregnancy rashes



Rashes in pregnancy are divided into two groups. The first group consists of rashes that are only seen in pregnant women, and includes conditions such as pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP), pemphigoid gestationis (previously named herpes gestationis and bullous dermatosis of pregnancy), pruritic folliculitis of pregnancy, pruritus of pregnancy, prurigo of pregnancy and erythema nodosum of pregnancy. All of these conditions are uncommon or rare. The second group consists of pre-existing conditions that are worsened by pregnancy, eg atopic dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, acne, pityrosporum folliculitis, herpes simplex, vulvovaginal candidiasis and lupus erythematosus.

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Pigmentation disorders

Pigmentation disorders



Hypermelanosis and hypomelanosis are due, respectively, to increased and decreased amounts of melanin in the skin. They may be generalised or localised.

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Pertinent practical points for dermatology drugs

Pertinent practical points for dermatology drugs

Compliance and instructions to patients for using dermatology drugs



Noncompliance with clinician’s instructions has been estimated at around 30% in some studies. In the treatment of dermatological disease where patients may be asked to apply sticky and unpleasant preparations, this rate of noncompliance may well be higher.

An understanding of their disease encourages patients to comply with the instructions from their medical attendant. Patient involvement in the decision making process can be helpful in building rapport when dealing with a chronic problem like psoriasis or atopic dermatitis.

Compliance can be affected by the cost of medication so a clear indication of the likely cost and quantities needed for adequate treatment should be given, especially if the patient is financially disadvantaged.

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Photosensitivity and Other Reactions to Light


Photosensitivity and Other Reactions to Light

David R. Bickers


Sunlight is the most visible and obvious source of comfort in the environment. The sun provides the beneficial effects of warmth and vitamin D synthesis; however, acute and chronic sun exposure also have pathologic consequences. Few effects of sun exposure beyond those affecting the skin have been identified, but cutaneous exposure to sunlight is the major cause of human skin cancer and can exert immunosuppressive effects as well.

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Paediatric dermatology

Paediatric dermatology


Atopic dermatitis in children



Atopic dermatitis is the most common chronic skin condition affecting young children. Onset is most often in the first year of life, with xerosis, itching and a patchy erythematous rash which may occur on any part of the skin but is most often found on the face, cubital fossa and popliteal fossa. Children with atopic dermatitis are sensitive to environmental irritants and allergens and are prone to cutaneous infections. Management of this condition therefore has the following components: encouraging compliance; prevention (environmental modification and control of xerosis); treatment (specific medical management, control of infection, as well as investigation and management of allergy, although not applicable in every case).

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